The Issues That Are Caused by Poor Window Installation

Windows are central to our homes and play an important part in keeping us warm and safe during blistering winters and ensuring that even when we’re stuck inside, we get an all-important glimpse of the outside world. 

They can also play an important part in opening up your space and making your home look more attractive. Considering these points, it’s absolutely vital to ensure that professionals or DIYers follow proper installation guidance to avoid several very harmful side effects of poor installation. 

Without proper installation, your windows can present several risks that put your security and your health at risk, especially during wet and cold weather. 

To find out the common signs of poor window installation, keep reading. 

Issues That Are Caused by Poor Window Installation

Caulking Issues

Caulking is a minor step at face value, but it is a crucial part of protecting the inside of your home from outside elements. Good caulking forms a protective seal that keeps warm air in and damp, cold air out. 

A proper caulking job has no bubbles, gaps or holes and is perfectly leveled around the window. If you notice any of these signs around your window, you likely have bad caulking, and this will impact how much heat your home can retain. 

Water Damage

Anyone who has ever had water damage in their home will tell you that it’s a nightmare that can leave your home feeling dark, cold and very unwelcoming. 

Unfortunately, poor window installation is a significant contributor to water damage, so if you’re noticing excess moisture around your windows, you’ve likely fallen victim to a poor installation job. 

Water damage occurs from poor installation as the window can’t form a water-tight seal. This can lead to significant paint damage, rot, mould and more. 

Poor Energy Efficiency And Drafts

No one likes a draft, especially if you’re already struggling to get warm in your house. While drafts are common, they can be a sign of a significant problem with your windows. Poor caulking or incorrect window sizing means that air can both escape and get into your home. 

Not only does this make your home pretty uncomfortable, but it can also have a significant impact on your energy efficiency. You’ll have to use more central heating to keep your house at a constant temperature, resulting in higher energy bills. 

Glass Discoloration

No one wants a pristine view interrupted by yellowing and discoloured glass, but if you’ve got a poor installation job on your window, this is an inevitability. Discoloured glass occurs when moisture seeps in between window panes and tints the glass.

Not only is this a serious sign that you have moisture damage, but this can also reduce your home’s aesthetic appeal. Additionally, this gives way for mould and mildew to grow, which can have serious consequences on your health and well-being. 

You Can’t Open And Close Your Window Properly

Everyone needs to be able to safely open and close their windows to keep the cold air out, secure their home and ensure they have an escape in the event of an emergency like a fire.

One of the most obvious signs of poor window installation is that your windows don’t open or close easily. This is mostly down to poor alignment or loose structures that have rusted or warped the frame. 

You Can Count On Euroseal To Deliver High-Quality Window Installation Services In Concord! Contact Us Today!

If you’re looking for a reliable installation and repair service that provides exemplary installation every time, look no further than Euroseal Windows and Doors. 

At Euroseal, we don’t compromise on quality, so you don’t need to worry about any of these risks when we’re on the job. Contact us now to learn more about our services and how we can help you!